The Logic of Emotion Lab at Princeton University investigates the multilevel processes that give rise to human emotions. By applying psycholinguistic, developmental, neuroscientific, and translational tools to both experimental and naturalistic studies, we aim to understand why people feel what they feel to ultimately uncover the psychological and neural processes that help people foster emotional health in themselves and others. We are committed to supporting a diverse team that conducts rigorous, open science that is valuable to the public in clarifying the building blocks of emotional health across the lifespan.
In the Logic of Emotion Lab, we value conducting rigorous, impactful, creative, daring, and open research that advances our understanding of emotion. We believe this work is best accomplished in a collaborative, diverse, kind, enthusiastic, and reflective environment where all lab members feel supported in their work. We share commitments to both learning and mentoring, as well as seek a healthy balance in our working and non-working lives. Together, we strive to create a lab, department, discipline, and world that promotes the emotional wellbeing of all people.